After a few years, we finally brought back this amazing event as part of our S.I.T.E. Week last week.
Our Superintendents selected members of their team to participate for the week, forming the Get Back Crew.
Throughout this week, this group worked hard as they got to know each other and collaborated together. On the final day, we gathered for a lunch and recap session, where each one shared what they learned, and what they took away from the training. Many expressed a newfound appreciation for the demanding work our mechanics undertake.
We are extremely proud of Herbert Richards, Lamare McBride, Roger Elliott, Chris Hartzell, Ronald Mitchell, David Truett, Brandon Withington, Andrew (AJ) Smalls, Pieare Grant, and Mike Sellers.
Congratulations on your certificate of Organizational Continuous Improvement CLAIRe Event Training. We are truly fortunate to have you as part of our Banks team.
Our employees share our dedication to reliability and innovation and demonstrate the talent and drive to get the job done right and on time.
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