
Deborah Dunn Spotlight

DEBORAH DUNN - SENIOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT "Loyal dedicated 20+ year employee who has impeccable attention to detail and is always willing to help others when needed, regardless of her workload.Deb was hired in 2002 and...


Banks Ops Update

This month (November 2022) our team completed the paving of SMA on the I26 Emergency Repair Project. This Project has created a lot of challenges throughout for this team, as SMA is a new type...


Stacey Eakins Spotlight

STACEY EAKINS - LOWBOY/TRI-AXLE DRIVER 'Stacey aka “Big Stace” aka “Big Money” is a valuable asset to our transportation department as a lowboy driver and triaxle driver, when needed. He is passionate about everything he...


Angela Townes Spotlight

ANGELA TOWNES - TRAFFIC CONTROL FOREMAN "Angela helps out when on vacation, with administrative things, safety training, lane closures, and flagging operations. She's a great person to be around and takes her time with her people, a...


Jonathan Legrand Spotlight

JONATHAN LEGRAND - GRADING FOREMAN 'When I first met Jonathan Legrand, my initial reaction was this guy is motivated and stands out among his peers! That was back in 2002 when I started and his...


I-26 Widening Groundbreaking!

On October 11th, Banks Construction attended the I-26 Widening Project Kickoff celebration where State Officials, including Governor Henry McMaster, announced the beginning of this Project. We were awarded this 7-mile-in-length project, starting between Jedburg Rd....


Brian Jones Spotlight

BRIAN JONES - ASST. VICE PRESIDENT, PMO "I’ve known Jones for 13 years at Banks. Around 2016 I got the privilege to work directly for him as his Project Engineer. Everybody that knows Jones knows...


Rifle Range Road Project Highlight

Rifle Range Road Project Highlight! Our Assistant VP of Project Management Operations, Brian Jones, gives us an update on the new roadway being constructed in Mount Pleasant, SC. This is an exciting addition to the...


Bryan Ollek Spotlight

BRYAN OLLEK - PLANT SUPERINTENDENT "Bryan Ollek is a key player on the Banks Construction team and a huge reason why the asphalt plants, unloading facilities, and crushing operations run as efficiently as they do....


National Work Zone Awareness Week

"Safe work zones for all. Protect workers. Protect road users. We can do it!" This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW). This is an event that takes place across the United States, with...


OCI: CLAIRe, Round 3

Clean. Lubricate. Adjust. Inspect. Repair. Eliminate. Since Banks implemented the Operational Continuous Improvement (OCI) program, we have completed three CLAIRe events. It is important that we maintain our equipment, but it is even more important...


Safety Awareness Week 2019 finale

We have had a wildly successful Safety Awareness Week 2019. Our crews have huddled daily and remained mindful of all things safety. We kicked off the week with a great breakfast and kept focused with...


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