
DCCTC Tours North Charleston Plant

Banks had the privilege of hosting current and rising Seniors from the Dorchester County Career and Technology Center (DCCTC) recently for a field trip at our North Charleston plant.  We planned to have them over to teach them more about the promising careers at Banks and to expose them to the folks that may be their future bosses. 

The current and rising Seniors had a chance to really get to know what it is like in an asphalt plant.  They were able to see real equipment in use, hear the opportunities in store for them, and smell the asphalt cooking.  They were introduced to many levels of management and gained experience from field experts.   While we anticipated a winning day for the students, what we didn’t guess is what an enriching experience it would be for us.

We love interacting with this group of students.  They amaze us in how professional they are at such a young age.  They look us in the eye, they shake our hand firmly.  They are the future, and DCCTC has done an excellent job coaching them, preparing them for ‘real-life’.  We are anxiously waiting their graduation, so we can add them to our team!



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