
National Work Zone Awareness Week

“Safe work zones for all. Protect workers. Protect road users. We can do it!”

This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW). This is an event that takes place across the United States, with partnerships between state departments of transportation (DOT), national road safety organizations, government agencies, private companies, and individuals. 2020’s theme is “Safe work zones for all. Protect workers. Protect road users. We can do it!” to highlight the deadly dangers of inattention at highway work areas.

Here are 8 tips to remember when approaching a work zone:

  1. Expect the unexpected, road conditions may change overnight
  2. Don’t speed or tailgate
  3. Obey road crew flaggers and pay attention to the signs
  4. Stay alert and minimize distractions
  5. Keep up with the traffic flow, don’t slow down and “gawk” at road work
  6. Know your route and traffic levels before you go
  7. Be patient and stay calm
  8. Wear your seatbelt for safety

Let’s help NWZAW in spreading awareness for work zone safety across the country by reminding the traveling public to #SlowDown and #MoveOver when traveling in work zones. The men and women working on our roadways have families to go home to. Help them get home safely. Move over.  #NWZAW#Orange4Safety#NJDOT | https://t.co/R99jb7M2Uh



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