
Thomas Washington Spotlight


“Thomas Washington started here at Banks through a temp agency about 11 years ago. Thomas is what you call a well-rounded employee here at the plant. Thomas started out as an APO and through the years has moved to (Lead-man). Thomas takes pride in his work and gives 110 percent whether APO, Loader, unloading rail cars, or training new hires at the plant. Safety has always been at the top of his list, but like the rest of our core values, Thomas has always strived to do the best job from day one and continues to do so. He is a perfect example of being best of class.” Bryan Ollek – Plant Superintendent

“Thomas is someone we count on at the plant to be able to do any job. It’s not unusual for him to have 2-3 different jobs on any given day. He consistently goes the extra mile to make sure the job not only gets done but gets done correctly. He manages to do all of this while keeping a positive attitude. He is one of the hardest-working people I’ve met since I’ve been at Banks, and it is truly a pleasure getting to work with him every day!” Morgan Fitzgerald – Plant Systems Coordinator

“When I first came to Banks, Thomas was the guy who taught me everything I know regarding the outside operations back here at the asphalt plant. He is a one-of-a-kind guy. He followed the core values before we even made them core values. We are lucky to have someone like Thomas Washington on our team!! Thank you for all you do and have done at Banks, sir!!” Carlos Serrano – Plant Division Superintendent

Thank you, Thomas Washington, for everything you do for Banks Construction Company!



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